Transcription Services

Communication Access Realtime Translation or Realtime Captioning

Sign Language Communication provides Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART) services, also called open captioning or real-time stenography for live video or television broadcasts, CEO satellite video reports, corporate business meetings or conference calls, video satellite conferences, conventions, educational/classroom events, and governmental meetings.

CART services are real-time text services that allow hard-of-hearings employees to read what is being said in meeting environments. The Americans with Disabilities Act has recognized CART services as an assisting technology that allows effective communication access for people with hearing impairments. This technology provides maximum accuracy, allowing the user to have a comprehensive understanding of the material, providing deaf and hard-of-hearing attendees with equal access.

Clients using CART have the option of being able to receive an electronic file at the end of each session that provides them with a transcript of the meeting for future review. CART services can be displayed on monitors or an LCD projector for the comprehension benefit of everyone who attends these sessions.

Please contact our CART Coordinator to assist you in determining what is the best service for you.